News > Additional Funding in 2019

Additional Funding for Festivals and Series Presenters On Its Way

CityFolk Festival
Panoramic view of the CityFolk Festival. Photo: Steve Gerecke.

June 19, 2019 – The Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism announced yesterday how the 2019 federal budget additional support for festivals and series presenters will be allocated and distributed.

The additional investment of $50.25 million over two years (2019-2020 and 2020-2021) announced in the last budget will be distributed as follows:

Canada Arts Presentation Fund

Current clients of the Canada Arts Presentation Fund (CAPF) will be able to apply for a supplement for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 fiscal years, provided they are not already receiving the maximum contribution amount ($500,000 for festivals and $200,000 for series presenters). Most current CAPF clients should anticipate a minimum supplement of 10% of their current funding level. Presenters operating in rural or remote areas may able to get a larger supplement. CAPF program officers will soon be circulating more information on how to apply for the supplement.

Presenters who had applied to CAPF for the 2019-2020 fiscal year (on April 1 or October 1, 2018) but who were turned down because of a lack funds, may be able to receive funding. Organizations in this particular situation should contact their program officer.

Eligible organizations not currently receiving support from the CAPF in 2019-2020 can submit an application to the Development component for their activities that will take place by March 31, 2020. There is no deadline for the Development component, but organizations are encouraged to submit their application as soon as possible before the start of their project.

The next regular program deadlines for CAPF is October 1, 2019.

Program guidelines

Building Communities through Arts and Heritage

All current clients receiving funding from the Local Festivals component of the Building Communities through Arts and Heritage (BCAH) program for events from April 1, 2019 to August 31, 2019 will receive supplements, provided their total BCAH funding does not exceed the maximum grant amount ($200,000 for local festivals). All clients receiving funding for festivals from September 1, 2019 and later will have the increased amounts reflected in their next round of funding. In general, BCAH clients should anticipate getting 20 to 25% more than they would otherwise receive.

The reinvestment is also permitting additional LGBTQ2+ and Indigenous festivals that responded to a special January 31 intake to receiving funding for this summer’s festival season. From now on, money will be set aside within BCAH specifically for LGBTQ2+ festivals to ensure that there is stable, reliable funding for Pride and other important LGBTQ2+ festivals in the coming years.

Local festivals who are do not currently receive CAPF or BCAH funding will be able to apply at the next application deadlines, on September 30, 2019 and January 31, 2020.

Program guidelines

Celebration and Commemoration Program

The increased funding for the Celebration and Commemoration Program has already been automatically distributed. All medium- and large-scale celebrations on the four Celebrate Canada days (National Indigenous Peoples Day, la Fête Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Canadian Multiculturalism Day and Canada Day) have already received an average increase of 17% compared to 2018. For the first time, funding will also be made available to communities celebrating la Fête nationale des Acadiens et des Acadiennes on August 15, and to support activities on the new National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30.

Program guidelines

For more information on any of the above programs, organizations should consult the Government of Canada website and contact a program officer.

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