

Investing in the Future of Live Performance

latest update: May 6, 2024

Since October 2022, the #FutureOfLIVE campaign advocates for predictable and increased support from the federal government via the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage (BCAH) program and the Canada Arts Presentation Fund (CAPF).

View the list of signatory organizations

Read their case for support


Supplementary funding to the CAPF had come to an end on April 1, 2024. Thanks to our collective advocacy initiatives and the efforts of those supporting the #FutureOfLIVE Campaign, we are happy to report that this cut was reverted and that funding has been added to the Canada Arts Presentation Fund in the 2024 federal budget.

In 2019, CAPF received $8 million per year in supplementary funding. Now, the program will be receiving 15.5 million per year. This figure has nearly doubled.

Our Recommendations

Outcomes to Date

– Make the supplementary investments of $8 million per year permanent 

– Invest an additional $21 million per year

Budget 2024 – $31 million over two years, starting in 2024‑25 to CAPF ($7.5 million more per year).

– Make the supplementary investments of $7 million per year permanent 

– Invest and additional $9 million per year

Budget 2023 – The government proposes to provide $14 million over another two years ($7 million per year) starting in 2024-2025 to BCAH.


This recent increase in funding will serve as a positive contribution to the arts sector in Canada. However, as of right now, both programs are set to return to their 2007 funding levels in April 2026. The sector is still in need of reliable and predictable funding. If funding is not reliable, how can the sector make long term plans that are sustainable? With your help, the #FutureOfLIVE coalition’s will continue to advocate for this change.


A little “Thank you!” goes a long way in advocacy. 

Considering we’ll have to advocate for another extension in less than two years, it’s super important to demonstrate some gratitude for the commitments of the 2024 budget. Send an email with this template or call your MPs constituency office. It will take just a few minutes and it will make a huge difference.


Read the recap

Watch and share the videos

Video testimonial

Visit CBC Video

Media clippings for the #FutureOfLive campaign

Please send us a copy of your letters and tell us about any outcomes at futureoflive@capacoa.ca. 

Letters by province or territory


Sincere thanks to all MPs who expressed their support for the #FutureOfLIVE recommendations!

  • Adam Chambers, CPC, ON
  • Andy Fillmore, LPC, NS
  • Chris d’Entremont, CPC, NS
  • Claude de Bellefeuille, BQ, QC
  • Francis Scarpaleggia, LPC, QC
  • Gabriel Ste-Marie, BQ, QC
  • Greg Fergus, LPC, QC
  • Heath MacDonald, LPC, PE
  • Heather McPherson, NPD, AB
  • Jenica Atwin, LPC, NB
  • Julie Vignola, BQ, QC
  • Kevin Vuong, IND, ON
  • Louis Plamondon, BQ, QC
  • Louise Chabot, BQ, QC
  • Luc Désilets, BQ, QC
  • Marci Ien, LPC, ON
  • Mario Simard, BQ, QC
  • Martin Champoux, BQ, QC
  • Maxime Blanchette-Joncas, BQ, QC
  • Michael Kram, CPC, SK
  • Mike Morrice, GPC, ON
  • Monique Pauzé, BQ, QC
  • Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné, BQ, QC
  • Pascale St-Onge, LPC, QC
  • Patty Hadju, LPC, ON
  • Peter Julian, NPD, BC
  • René Villemure, BQ, QC
  • Serge Cormier, LPC, NB
  • Soraya Martinez Ferrada, LPC, QC
  • Sylvie Bérubé, BQ, QC
  • Taleeb Noormohamed, LPC, BC
  • Xavier Barsalou-Duval, BQ, QC
  • Yves Perron, BQ, QC
  • Yvonne Jones, LPC, NL


This recently updated directory includes:

A template letter to notify of your MP of funding cuts at the CAPF or BCAH.

A template letter to touch base with your MP, if you’ve already connected with them in the last year.

Please send your letter soon. If we want to influence the federal budget, we have until February to rally support from more MPs.

Use these banners and social media images to get the word out.

Talking points for when you meet your MP.

Details about our recommendations and lots of background info, charts and tables to make a compelling case (updated August 29, 2023).