Programs > Capacity Building Funding

Capacity Building Funding

PCBP: Presenters Capacity Building Program for Members of CAPACOA and RIDEAU

Facilitating and promoting professional development

Since its creation in 2013, the PCBP has supported 128 projects, 75 of these coming from CAPACOA members.

Professional development is key to helping presenters improve their audience outreach efforts, build capacity and manage change. In order to help best support those efforts, RIDEAU and CAPACOA are pleased to announce the renewal of the: Presenters Capacity Building Program (PCBP), a funding program that provides the presenting community with access to better professional development tools.

Program Objectives

  • Promote the sharing of expertise within networks
  • Provide support to presenting organizations for targeted capacity building projects, professional development and change management
  • Contribute to the professionalization of the presenting sector
  • Help presenting organizations achieve their goals more effectively

Program Description

The program gives presenting organizations access to resources which can help build capacity. It is divided into three components:

  1. Organizational consultation – Organizations can apply for funds to hire consultants or specialists to assist them in capacity building and change management research and planning activities either in person or online. This may take the form of coaching.
  2. Mentoring – Organizations can apply for funds to enroll their managers in a mentorship with a presenting organization manager.
  3. Professional development – Organizations can submit an application to attend professional development workshops or seminars directly related to the organization’s specific capacity building needs. This is primarily intended for senior managers of presenting organizations. These can be done in person or online.

Organizations can also submit joint applications in collaboration with others (two or more). Presenter support organizations (presenting networks) are eligible as part of a collaboration in partnership with presenting organizations. Each applicant in a joint application must be a member of CAPACOA and/or RIDEAU.

Please note: Organizations that received financial assistance under the 2023-2024 Presenters Capacity Building Program are not eligible to apply for the 2024-25 edition.

Program Timeline

  • Deadline to submit an application to the 2024-2025 edition: September 19, 2024.
  • Announcement of the projects selected will be November 2024.
  • The realization of the projects will be from November 2024 to May 2025.
  • The 2024-2025 final reports will be due May 31, 2025.

Program Guidelines

Program Form as PDF

Program Form as Word Document – (After opening this link, you may select “File” and “Download” a copy of the Word document to your computer to complete the form.)


Organizations who have received support for the 2023-2024 edition of the PCBP:

  • Centre culturel Kabir
  • Chapelle du rang 1
  • Corporation du Bedeau
  • Diffusion en Scène
  • Espace le vrai monde?
  • Femmes du Feu Creations
  • Festival de la Chanson de Tadoussac
  • Folk on the Rocks
  • Fringe North
  • Mission Folk Music Festival
  • Northern Arts and Cultural Centre
  • O.Dela Arts
  • Ottawa Chamberfest
  • Regroupement artistique francophone de l’Alberta (RAFA)
  • Regroupement des festivals regionaux artistiques independants
  • Small World Music
  • Under the Spire Music Festival

 Organizations who have received support for the 2022-2023 edition of the PCBP:

  • Arts Network Ottawa & Ottawa Arts Council
  • Centre des arts Juliette-Lassonde
  • Corporation Hector-Charland
  • Coup de coeur francophone
  • Culture Trois-Rivières
  • Vieux Couvent de Saint-Prime
  • Diffusion Momentum
  • Diffusion Saguenay
  • FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre
  • Island Mountain Arts
  • Kings Playhouse
  • La Chapelle Spectacles
  • monstrARTity Creative Community
  • Muni-Spec Mont-Laurier
  • Ottawa Fringe Festival

Organizations who have received support for the 2021 – 2022 edition of the PCBP:

  • Arts de la Scène de Montmagny
  • Chester Playhouse
  • Diffusion Avant-Scène
  • Espace Côté-Cour
  • Fredericton Playhouse
  • Home Routes
  • Island Arts Cultural Centre
  • Manitoba Arts Network
  • Mission Folk Festival Society
  • Prairie Debut
  • Rencontre Théâtre Ados
  • Théâtre Desjardins
  • Vieux Couvent de Saint-Prime
  • Village en chanson de Petite-Vallée

Organizations who have received support for the 2020 – 2021 edition of the PCBP:

  • Arts Commons
  • Association franco-culturelle de Yellowknife
  • CanDance Network
  • Canadian Live Music Association
  • FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre
  • Full Circle
  • Indian River Festival
  • King’s Playhouse
  • King’s Theatre
  • MT Space
  • Ontario Presents
  • Ottawa Fringe
  • Regroupement artistique francophone de l’Alberta
  • Small World Music
  • Springboard Dance Collective Society
  • Vancouver New Music

Comments from past edition recipients

The staff and board were involved in the development of a comprehensive marketing strategy that incorporates traditional methods but also social media. We have agreed on a much more concise branding architecture. While the long term impact of the project will take time to assess, staff and Board certainly feel empowered to enact changes and have begun the process already.
Klondike Institute of Art and Culture

The impact of this training is to greatly improve the revenue-generating ability of Public Energy in the private sector. This will go a long way toward maintaining the organization’s programming in the face of reduced public sector funding.
Public Energy

This Strategic Planning Session was crucial for our organization at this time. We are facing financial challenges and impending replacement of long-term staff. Both big challenges for an organization of our size with a Board which is geographically so far apart.
Prairie Debut

Program Contact Information

Chandel Gambles, CAPACOA 613-562-3515 x. 1