News > Minister of Canadian Heritage Launches Creative Export Strategy

Minister of Canadian Heritage Launches Creative Export Strategy

June 27, 2018 – On Tuesday, the Minister of Canadian Heritage officially launched Canada’s Creative Export Strategy, and she outline how she will invest the $125-million over 5 years allocated by the federal government in the 2017 federal budget.

Mélanie Joly at the Creative Export Launch.The cornerstone of this announcement is a $7-million per year program named Creative Export Canada. This new program is for Canadian companies and organizations that are ready to export and work in a creative industry or in support of one. Although the announcement doesn’t specifically list the performing arts as an eligible industry, we were confirmed they will be. Also included in the funding envelope will be future cultural trade missions, similar to the China mission in April 2018, as well as participation in major international events, such as the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2020.

The Creative Export Canada Program (CEC) will provide a non-repayable contribution to Canadian companies and organizations who wish to carry out an export project. CEC will fund projects that amplify the international reach of creative industries, increasing their capacity to export, their brand and their contents abroad. The objective of this funding will be to increase the export revenues of Canadian creative industries. The program will encourage the implementation of innovative projects.

The details on the CEC Fund are expected to be released soon, with a deadline set for the end of the summer. The department will be looking for export ready proposals and projects, and expect a very competitive process for the available dollars, with all sectors competing within the same pot. Based on the proposed export checklist, applicants will likely be expected to come in with sound market research and a good business plan.

The two other pillars of the strategy involve boosting funding for existing programs, as well as assistance from trade commissioners.

All in all, the Creative Export Strategy seems coherent and comprehensive. It fills a critical gap for the sector.

CAPACOA is currently is currently participating in the development of an “International Committee” to provide guidance, develop collective strategies, and create synergies to help the performing arts sector make the most of the Creative Export Strategy. The future looks bright for Canadian artists, agents and presenters.


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