Here are the presentations and other materials provided or captured during the 2019 CAPACOA professional development sessions.
Note: More presentations and materials will be added over the coming weeks.
Radical Collaboration in a Linked Digital World
In an era of algorithms and highly personalized recommendations, anything that is unavailable as data is very unlikely to be found or recommended. Whereas other industries have long made their contents readily discoverable by machines, the live performance sector lags behind. Linked open data could enable performing arts organizations to catch up. Together.
Presentation on Radical Collaboration in a Linked Digital World
Drivers of Arts Participation
What motivates people to attend the performing arts? And what drives them to become regular patrons? These questions are top of mind for all arts marketers. In reality, they should be a preoccupation for every staff members, because the top drivers for frequent attendance depend on other aspects than marketing. In this session, Nik Nanos will bring the Diversity and Drivers of Arts Participation report to life. Most of all, he will lead you to consider how you and your entire team can co-create experiences that entice attendees to come back. Again and again.
Presentation by Nik Nanos on Drivers of Arts Participation
Full Diversity and Drivers of Arts Attendance report
Full Culture Track Canada report
Wikidata: a do-it-yourself and do-it-together way of making Canadian artists stand out in the digital world
Tired of dealing with dozens of platform to populate or search for information on artists? Imagine an open knowledge base that could be read and edited by anyone, and that could be linked to many, many other platforms. This knowledge base exists. It’s called Wikidata. It’s free. And it needs information about Canadian artists.
Wiki with presentation and additional resources
Working Together Towards Environmental Sustainable
It is becoming abundantly clear that as a society, we must keep the environment front of mind in all aspects of our lives, including how we do business as a sector. What’s our collective responsibility towards the environment? What initiatives are being undertaken in your region, venue, or area? How can we work together? Bring your initiatives and ideas for collaboration for this discussion on ways to move forward!