Reimagining Governance in the Arts

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Date: Monday, November 22nd, 2021

Time: 11:45-1 pm (EST)

Session Description

Many arts workers are calling for systemic change in the performing arts sector, with the goal of becoming a more equitable industry. Yet, are our traditional top-down modes of leadership and governance compatible with such a goal?. Join us in challenging North America’s prevalent governing structures, explore alternative models, and look to our neighbours to understand the effects of having no board of directors. Is it possible to flatten hierarchical power dynamics? Can performing arts organizations function effectively without board oversight? How do we keep arts leadership accountable to our communities?

This professional development session is designed for performing arts companies, presenting organizations, and – to speak frankly – any organization where dynamics of power and privilege can be at play..

Presenters TBA

We would like to thank the Regional Presenting Networks (Atlantic Presenters Association, Arts Touring Alliance of Alberta, BC Touring Council, Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils, the Manitoba Arts Network, N3, and Ontario Presents) for their generous support of the professional development session Reimagining Governance in the Arts.

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