About > Safer Spaces Statement

Safer Spaces Statement

CAPACOA pledges to adhere to and promote the highest ethical and professional standards to ensure a safer, more inclusive, respectful work environment. 

This Safer Spaces Statement, which may also be referred to as the association’s Code of Conduct, provides guidelines in respect to expected behaviours and values in the conduct of all CAPACOA activities, including in relations with and among members. This policy applies to all employees and volunteers of CAPACOA, including all full and part-time, casual, and temporary employees, independent contractors, volunteers and members of the Board of Directors. It also extends to all persons who participate in CAPACOA activities, including without limitation all members, beneficiaries of services, and participants at in-person and online events. A full version of the policy is available below. 

Values of the Code

This Code rests upon these core values:

Integrity; Honesty; Loyalty to the interests of the membership; Fairness; Conscientiousness; Compassion; Equity; and Respect.


The association and its members are committed to:

  • Providing a healthy work environment with zero tolerance for discrimination, harassment*, bullying, and violence in all forms; 
  • Creating spaces where all individuals are treated with dignity, can contribute fully, and have equal opportunities;
  • Creating an environment where employees, contractors, volunteers, and members can expect to be treated in accordance with the values of this code, and are likewise expected to treat others in the same manner;
  • Promote a culture that values consent;
  • Adhere to the Occupational Health and Safety Act of the Province of Ontario and the Canadian Code of Conduct for the Performing Arts.

*Harassment can take many forms, including unwanted sexual attention, inappropriate jokes or texts, threats, and other unwelcome verbal, written, visual, or physical communication or conduct.

Contact Points

You can also submit your report or feedback anonymously through this form.

Full Policy

This Code is derived from CAPACOA’s Respectful Workplaces Policy, which sets ethical and professional standards, as well as guidelines regarding behaviours and values in decision-making, advocacy efforts, and relationships with our stakeholders, members and the larger performing arts community.