International > Past Initiatives > Connections 2.0

Connections 2.0

Virtual Network Event – March 27-30, 2023

Through its leadership in dynamic cultural diplomacy, CAPACOA and the International Market Development Committee (IMDC) have become a catalyst for Canada to engage in collaborative, reciprocal and creative relationships around the globe.

Inspired by our pandemic-related Connections pilot project, the IMDC is proud to launch Connections 2.0, a virtual networking event aimed at bringing Canadian and International artists together with presenters to promote the discoverability and touring potential of export-ready work. Artists will have the opportunity to showcase their projects through virtual Snapshots, while uncovering potential collaborations with presenters via one-on-one B2B meetings and virtual roundtable discussions.

This four-day event from March 27-30, 2023 will provide a platform for connectivity and networking among arts practitioners from Canada and throughout Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, New Zealand and Spain. Programming will highlight a multi-disciplinary breadth of work in theatre, dance, circus and music.

Live translations will be available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Learn more about the event, the featured artists, and the daily schedule by visiting the Connections 2.0 website.

With the participation of the Government of Canada.

This project is supported in part by a contribution from Global Affairs Canada’s CanExport Associations program and a contribution from the Department of Canadian Heritage’s Creative Export Canada Program.

Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade