Events > On the path to recovery: Are mandatory vaccines for audiences in the mix?

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On the path to recovery: Are mandatory vaccines for audiences in the mix?

July 14, 2021 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT

Governments aren’t the only ones struggling with the notion of a vaccine passport. Performing arts venues and presenting organizations are also wondering if and how proof of vaccination could enable a faster, safer, and market-ready reopening of performance spaces and festival sites. Yet, the logistics of it aren’t simple. And the idea of having to turn away patrons, uncomfortable.

Performing arts presenting organizations are invited to balance the pros and cons of requiring proof of vaccination in a facilitated discussion.


Tim Yerxa, Executive Director, Fredericton Playhouse

Date, Time and Zoom info

Wednesday, July 14, 2021, 3:00 p.m. EDT

Register Here.

🔠 Live interpretation to French will be available at this event
ℹ️ Accessibility: Automatic live captions in English will be available at this session. Please note that automatic live captions may not be 100% accurate. If you have any questions, please send us a message.
🆓 This webinar is free of charge and open to everyone in the performing arts sector!


July 14, 2021
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT
Event Category:


Online Event


View Organizer Website
  1. Can you send notices for upcoming events earlier than “day of”?

    • Dear Kathy,
      We usually advertise our town halls at least one week in advance through our mailing list and social media. We had a glitch in our mailing list for this specific event, which led to not sending the notice to everyone subscribed. This glitch has now been resolved, and we will be publishing a blog post shortly resuming the discussions! Thank you for bringing this to our attention and for being a valuable CAPACOA member.
      The team at CAPACOA

  2. Mandatory vaccines of any sort violate our human rights. Human beings are powerful beyond anything we’ve been taught to believe. We can heal from anything – yes, anything. To believe otherwise is to deny ourselves of who we really are. If you don’t believe this, know that it’s only a belief. It isn’t real. We have the power to manifest, to create, to heal. To give up ourselves to ‘big brother’ and to the lies we’ve been told and to the murders that have been occurring since this man-made pandemic started is to surrender our very being, denying our true existence. Slavery never left. It’s merely disguised. Yes, we’re enslaved by credit cards to buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have. We’re enslaved to believing that working 50 – 60 hours a week is what we’re ‘supposed to be doing.’ When we learn to breathe, we learn who we are. When we trust in the ‘I am’ of who we are, we begin to see the truth. This whole thing is an illusion. ‘Reality TV,’ social media, smart phones, ceaseless ‘entertainment’ etc. dumbs us down and keep us enslaved. Make no mistake that denying what you know intuitively doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Our rights are being taken away in broad daylight, and society is buying into the idea that it’s for our own protection. Really? Chem trails, fluoridated water, deadly preservatives in our foods, antibiotics in our fish and meats, 5G, etc. – are the authorities really protecting us? Wake up! It’s happening – the small few elite are conspiring to own our very selves. It’s been in the making for years. Can you really not see it when you observe without fear or prejudice? Blindly trusting the politicians and so called health experts doesn’t make the darkness disappear. They’re either in on it, or they’re puppets dancing obliviously to a song they wouldn’t like if they heard it for what it is and if they knew who they are. It’s real. It’s happening. Wake up. It’s going to be a lot harder to regain our freedom as human beings if we don’t push back now. What’s worse is that more people are believing in the lie than aren’t. WAKE UP. We are divine beings created with honorable, beautiful, and loving intentions. We weren’t born to be slaves. We weren’t born to be automatons. It’s time to wake to who we really are. It’s time to wake to who we really are and to stand for our freedoms and liberties as human beings – nobody has the right to own you, or to force or obligate you to put anything in your body that you don’t want and are smart enough to know is harmful to your very being. We were born perfect. We were born divine. Man isn’t smarter than our creator. This vaccine isn’t created for our health. It’s been created for profit. It’s been created to control us. WAKE UP.

  3. In a world where people say we value free speech as a basic human right, the very same people will tell you what you can and can’t say, and censor you if they don’t like what they hear. If you don’t think what I wrote is relevant, you’re mistaken. I’d sooner die than be forced to take a pseudo vaccine designed for the purpose of enslavement. Do you really think ‘entertainment’ is that important to give up our human rights for? How long will it be before people realize that this isn’t about covid? We DO have choices. We CAN make honorable, thoughtful, just decisions.


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