Healthy Sector > Arts Promotion > Federal Election Toolkit

Federal Election Toolkit

The 44th federal election campaign is on. This is a critical time to influence cultural policy with all federal parties. Here’s how you can get involved.

Federal parties’ commitments for arts and culture

Check each party’s arts and culture platform. 

Summaries and video responses – Canadian Arts Coalition.

Analysis of parties’ platforms – Coalition for the Diversity of Cultural Expression

Talk to your candidates about the arts

  • Tell them about your work and how the arts sector has been impacted by the pandemic.
  • Invite them to share their vision for arts and culture in the riding.
  • Ask them how their government would support arts and culture.
  • Pass along CAPACOA’s messages.

Debates and other public events

Debate on cultural issues in the context of the federal election
Monday, September 13th, 2021
Hosts: Coalition for the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (CDCE) and the Department of Communication at the Université de Montréal

Watch the recording (the segment that most directly addresses the live performance sector and the pandemic runs from 12:45 to 19:55)

All politics is local. Unite with other local arts organizations to organize your own all-party event in your riding. As an example, you can watch the Fredericton Arts Alliance’s Forum on the Arts.

How to vote

There are many ways to vote. If you wish to vote by mail, you must apply before Tuesday, September 14.